

St. Theresa offers a wide variety of service organizations and ways to be involved with the parish.

Catholic Daughters of the Americas

From its inception in 1903, Catholic Daughters of the Americas, has gown and developed into the largest organization of Catholic women in the Americas. Under the patronage of the Blessed Mother, its members are united by their faith in Jesus, the Christ, in their devotion to the church. The purpose of the organization is to participate in the religious, charitable, and educational Apostolate of the Church. Catholic Daughters of the Americas is open to all Catholic women eighteen years and older.

Deacon Frank Cromer Memorial Men’s Prayer Breakfast Ministry

This breakfast is to afford a gathering of all men within the parish for the purpose of prayer, support and fellowship. It is held the second Wednesday of each month at 6:45am. A light breakfast is available including coffee and kolaches. The men pray the Liturgy of the Hours for the day and have time for informal sharing regarding family and concerns about the parish and the world they work in. It also provides support for those who are out of work.

Engaged Couple Sponsors

The Engaged Sponsor Couple Program is the Catholic Church’s program designed to assist engaged couples in understanding their pending commitment and some of the issues that may arise as they progress through the early years of marriage. A couple, married for several years, meets with the engaged couple. working with a resource book discussing and offering insight into some of the challenges that may arise. The couples meet in the home of the married couple for approximately two hours each evening for five evenings. The program is very rewarding for both couples; strengthening and renewing their relationship skills, and deepening their understanding of one another.

Finance Council

The Finance Council is a group of six parish members who meet on a quarterly basis to manage the financial well-being of the parish. The council is appointed by the pastor.

Gabriel Project

The Gabriel Project is a pro-life parish-based apostolate of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston offering assistance to women experiencing difficult circumstances during pregnancy. Gabriel Project volunteers act to provide practical advice and help as well as spiritual support and Christian witness to mothers in need.

  • Gabriel Project is seeking monetary or material donations for our pregnant women.

Contact: Pina Cava

Grief Support Ministry

Contact: Sandy Barber 281-633-9090

The hopelessness and sadness that comes from experiencing the loss of a loved one can leave us frozen in place, just trying to cope with everyday life. Support groups are an important tool for finding hope and coping tools on this journey. We are a group of compassionate lay people who also have experienced the death of someone we dearly loved. Join us to listen and share, because no one should grieve alone!

Knights of Columbus


The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization. Charity is the foremost principle of the Knights, and our philanthropic efforts go to fund a variety of worthy causes, including Habitat for Humanity, Special Olympics, the Vicarius Christi Fund, and disaster relief.

If you would like to become involved in our works of charity and service and inquire about becoming a knight, please contact our membership director Stephen Frontera (281-410-1632) or our website ( for information. We meet on the first and third Monday of the month at St. Basil’s Hall across the street from the sanctuary.

Lay Carmelites Ministry

The Lay Carmelites are an order, not an organization. They are one of the oldest religious orders that follow the contemplative life. They live their daily lives in a secular society, evangelizing, serving, and following the examples of the many Carmelite Saints.

For more information email Margaret Hibbs at 512-216-9938

Lay Dominicans

Lay Dominicans are lay men and women who serve God in the world as members of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) while developing a spiritual life rooted in prayer, study, community, and preaching. Our preaching is accomplished through our individual apostolates as well as through the pulpit of our daily lives. In 2016, the worldwide Dominican Family celebrated the 800th anniversary of the foundation of the Order of Preachers by St. Dominic de Guzman in 1216 AD. Lay Dominicans, together with the friars and sisters, met together to commemorate Dominic’s memory and his devotion to preaching the Good News.

If you would like more information or have any questions, please contact Alan Phipps at 281-410-1856 or email at

Learn English Ministry

We teach conversational English to adults. All classes are free but you must be 18 years old or older to take the class. We are in need of volunteers to co-teach our classes. No teaching experience is needed.

If you can speak English, you can share your skill with other adults. Each new volunteer is paired with an experienced volunteer.

Contact: Dennis Mattli

Marriage Encounter

Contact: Brian and Tina Little 281-773-4014 or

Are you looking for a new way to let your spouse know you love them in the midst of your jobs, carpooling the kids, and trying to keep up with your house, pool, and yard? Tell him or her they’re still #1 in your life… share a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend with each other.

Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council is made up of 12 members elected to three-year terms who represent parishioners, parish ministries, and parish organizations. The Council serves in a consultative capacity with the pastor by bringing forth concerns from the community and working with the pastor to resolve them. The Council also coordinates various events and helps the parish meet the needs of the parishioners. The Council meets monthly.

Perpetual Adoration Ministry

The perpetual adoration ministry is a Eucharistic devotion where people commit to taking an hour to praise and worship Jesus before the Most Blessed Sacrament. The hour you sign up for is spent in silent prayer and meditation. You may bring your own prayer books, use the books in the chapel, read the Bible, pray the rosary, or just sit and enjoy the peace that comes from simply being in the Presence of God. Adoration is in the Emmaus Chapel, it is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Let us know if you would like to commit to being an Adorer. This is someone who comes weekly at the same time to ensure Our Lord is not left alone. To see where we need help filling spots please contact Rebecca Freeman 281-844-4616 or email:

Pre-Marriage Seminar

Contact: Deacon James Anderson


This pre-marriage seminar is to commence the marriage preparation for all couples who wish to be married within St. Theresa’s Catholic community. It is held on the second Tuesday of every other month at 7:00 pm. It provides an opportunity for couples to learn about the Catholic Church’s theology of matrimony and begin the process to properly receive this great sacrament of the Church. Couples will learn details of how to plan and prepare for their wedding day and matrimony thereafter.

Project Rachel

Project Rachel provides confidential healing and reconciliation for indiviuals suffering after an abortion.  This program is run through the Archdiocesan Office of Pro-Life Activities.

If you are grieving from a past abortion, contact a member of our Pro-Life team.

St. Vincent de Paul

Contact: Ken Elliott 281-242-9149

Charity and Love Restores Hope

If you have been blessed in life, have enough saved to handle a couple of months without a job and have family nearby that loves you, chances are you will have a difficult time imagining what it’s like to be without hope.

This is a story about a young family who almost lost hope. This family thought their life was secure, Dad, a veteran, had always held a steady job and Mom was on track to graduate college with an accounting degree next December. Dad’s pay wasn’t enough to save a lot but the family was excited to be moving that day in August into a nicer apartment than the one they lived in presently. Their furniture and all their personal possessions were loaded on a trailer in the parking lot ready for the move. That’s when Harvey struck and their life was turned upside down. The home they were to move to was flooded, the home they were moving from was flooded, their truck and trailer were flooded. Suddenly they had no home, no furniture, no vehicle, no job and no income. Their meager savings and Mom’s student loans were soon used up by hotel charges while they waited for their planned new apartment to be repaired. They were luckier than most, they had paid the security deposit and first month’s rent on the new place, so they did have a home to move to eventually. This family somehow survived by pawning what little they had rescued from the flood and were eventually able to move to their new apartment. It was an easy move, they had no furniture. A nearby SVdP conference was able to obtain furniture for them, and household items though the SVdP ‘House in a Box’ program which has helped hundreds of families like theirs after Harvey, they were truly thankful. To hold down a job Dad needed a car, he somehow managed this too, but the family’s troubles were far from over. Weighed down by debt incurred in the aftermath of Harvey they eventually were unable to make the rent and were facing a court ordered eviction in a week. This was when Dad walked into our St. Theresa’s SVdP food pantry begging for help, he was worn down with worry and could see no way out of his situation. He had lost hope, unless he came up with the $2,300 rent and arrears by next Tuesday his family was going to be living on the streets. Unless he made the last $400 car payment he would lose the car and not be able to get to work. Our Vincentian volunteers realized that this was ‘situational poverty’, if we could pay their rent and arrears and pay down some of the debt, the family would probably never need help again. The amount needed however was beyond the means of any one SVdP conference so we appealed to other nearby SVdP conferences and other ministries that help the poor and were blessed to raise enough money to pay the rent and arrears, pay the final car payment and some of the mother’s college tuition. This story has a happy ending; Dad is working lots of extra shifts and overtime but feels truly blessed to have had his hope restored and prayers answered.

Many thanks are due to: Second Mile Ministry who pledged to assist and sent this father to us for help, St. Laurence Social Concerns Ministry, and the SVdP Conferences of: Holy Rosary Catholic Church, St. Angela Merici Catholic Church and especially the loving donors of St. Theresa Catholic Church, who support our SVdP ministry and enabled us to help rescue this family from poverty and give them back the hope they thought they had lost.

Read more about our organization in this Ministry Spotlight.

Contact our St. Vincent de Paul Coordinator, Ken Elliott, at 281-242-9149 during hours of operation: Monday and Friday, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Feel free to drop by the Pantry (on the corner of Wood and 7th) to say hello and learn more about

this wonderful Work of Mercy.

The continued generosity of St. Theresa Parish allows us to provide limited financial and nonperishable food assistance to those in need in our Parish and Sugar Land community. We appreciate the continued assistance and support you help provide. We also appreciate the Sugar Canes, and many individual parishioners that contribute to our needs. H.E.B. Grocery Store is very generous in their continued support for the Food Pantry, as well. Our pantry is seeing an increase in the demand for toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, laundry detergent, and diapers for newborns thru 2 yr. olds. We are always in need of the following: flour, sugar, cooking oil, peanut butter, jelly, soups, cereals, beans, cake mixes, and all non-perishable items. We are also seeking a volunteer bilingual greeter/interviewer to assist us during office hours. Thank you!

Stewardship Committee

As Christians, we believe that all creation is a gift from God. The use of this gift was taught to us by Christ. Jesus demonstrated the true meaning of stewardship as a way of life by giving freely and without restraint of his time, talent, treasure and life, so that we may further the reign of God on earth and gain eternal life.

As a community of stewards, and members of God’s Church, we unselfishly dedicate ourselves to a life of service in the world through our family, work, play, worship, and interaction with others. We enter this world totally dependent on the stewardship of others for nourishment, shelter, and our Christian values. As we mature and develop our own stewardship, we recognize that at our final judgment, we will be accountable for our prudent and unselfish use of God’s gifts of time, talent, and treasure. We welcome everyone in this worthy cause of giving.

Strategic Planning Committee

The Strategic Planning Committee is responsible for the planning related to the church and surrounding campus. The group’s mission is to determine the will of the parish, prioritize the needs of the parish, and plan for the future of the parish. St. Theresa’s community is constantly growing in size, adding new ministries, developing functions and services and promoting a wide variety of other church activities. All of these drive the need to maintain and upgrade current facilities as well as provide for new facilities as the needs dictate. It is the responsibility of the Strategic Planning Committee to identify and clearly define such issues and provide the parish with the plans to address them.

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